Dr Brian T. Chait
Professor of Rockefeller University
Authoritative experts in mass spectrometry in the world
Brian t. Chait received his doctorate from Oxford University in 1976. Dr. Brian t. Chait and his research team in the laboratory of mass spectrometry and gaseous ion chemistry have long been committed to studying protein interactions and interpreting the functions of intracellular protein complexes through innovative mass spectrometry analysis. It has made outstanding contributions to the research of new tandem mass spectrometry equipment to realize ultra-high sensitivity, fast and diversified protein characterization analysis, and the use of new technical strategies to overcome the loss of data information in the process of mass spectrometry analysis. More than 350 papers have been published in international authoritative academic journals such as cell, science and nature methods. Dr. Brian t. Chait was awarded the Frank h. field and Joe L. Franklin Award by the American Chemical Society in 2002, the PEHR Edman award in 2012 and the outstanding contribution award by the American Society of mass spectrometry in 2015.